Grey Goose Essences has unveiled its first campaign film. Debuting April 25th, during the pre-show for the Oscars, the 60-second story follows a character who finds herself immersed in a natural world...
Martin Miller's Gin has launched a new art-focused campaign, dubbed “From Madness to Genius.” The Zamora Company-owned brand’s new brand positioning was inspired by the brand’s namesake founder.
Launching this month, Martin Miller’s...
Cutwater Spirits has debuted its “Cut Out” campaign with a TV commercial airing during the Super Bowl, digital takeovers, and a social media campaign featuring actress Emily Hampshire, best known for her...
Hornitos Tequila has announced its newest advertisement, "First Steps." The spot, which evolves the brand's empowering "A Shot Worth Taking" marketing campaign, is a rallying cry for those who wonder "what if?"...
In October, Laphroaig launched a new television ad called, “You’ll always remember your first Laphroaig,” as part of its Opinions Welcome campaign. Apparently, the advertisement got someone’s knickers in a twist and...
It’s official, it’s too late to order about 99 percent of the desirable gifts out there, except for maybe alcohol. Luckily, we’ve put together a list of the best last-minute holiday gifts,...
Four Pillars Gin has launched a new campaign called “Summer is Four Pillars Gin.” The new advertisements from the Australian distillery celebrate the simplicity of classic serves.
The Summer is Four Pillars Gin...
Ryan Reynolds has unveiled his latest ad campaign for juice and The Croods: A New Age, titled Not a Gin Ad. The new advertisement comes ahead of the digital release of the...
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